Tributes paid to British man, 73, who died after turbulence on Heathrow flight (2024)

Tributes have been paid to a 73-year-old British man who died after severe turbulence on a Singapore Airlines flight from Heathrow Airport.

The passenger, named as Geoff Kitchen, suffered a suspected heart attack on the flight, according to a spokesman for Bangkok’s Suvarnabhumi Airport, where the plane was diverted to.

The spokesman added that seven other people were seriously injured, with dozens more suffering minor injuries.

In a Facebook post shared on Tuesday evening,Thornbury Musical Theatre Group in Bristol said: “It is with a heavy heart that we learn of the devastating news of the passing of our esteemed colleague and friend Geoff Kitchen in the recent Singapore Air Incident.

“Geoff was always a gentleman with the utmost honesty and integrity and always did what was right for the group.

“His commitment to TMTG was unquestionable and he has served the group and the local community of Thornbury for over 35 years, holding various offices within the group, including Chairman, Treasurer and most recently Secretary.

“Our thoughts and prayers go out to his wife and the family at this difficult time, and we ask that you respect their privacy.”

A Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) spokesperson said it was supporting the family of the passenger and was in contact with local authorities.

Singapore Airlines said the flight encountered “sudden extreme turbulence” over Myanmar’s Irrawaddy Basin at 37,000ft about 10 hours after departure, with the pilot declaring a medical emergency and diverting the plane to Bangkok.

Tributes paid to British man, 73, who died after turbulence on Heathrow flight (1)

One passenger on board Flight SQ321 to Singapore said the plane suffered a “dramatic drop”, meaning people not wearing a seatbelt were “launched immediately into the ceiling”.

Another passenger, Jerry, who was travelling to his son’s wedding, told the BBC the day was “the worst of my life”.

Speaking with a bandage covering part of his head, he said: “Things were going very smoothly at first. I’d just been to the loo, came back, sat down, bit of turbulence, and suddenly the plane plunged.

“I don’t know how far, but it was a long way. (It was) so sudden, there was no warning at all, and I ended up hitting my head on the ceiling, my wife did.

“Some poor people walking around ended up doing somersaults. It was absolutely terrible, and then suddenly it stopped and it was calm again, and the staff did their best to tend to the injured people.

“There were a lot of them and some of the staff are injured themselves, so they did a sterling job.”

Images posted on social media showed damage to the ceiling of the cabin, and food, cutlery and other debris strewn on the floor after the incident.

The 16-year-old Boeing 777 left Heathrow at 10.17pm on Monday and was diverted to Bangkok, landing at 3.45pm local time (9.45am BST) on Tuesday.

There were 211 passengers and 18 crew on board – including 47 passengers from the UK and four Irish nationals.

Singapore Airlines said: “Singapore Airlines flight SQ321, operating from London Heathrow to Singapore on May 20, encountered severe turbulence en route.

“We can confirm that there are injuries and one fatality on board.

“Singapore Airlines offers its deepest condolences to the family of the deceased.”

Singapore Airlines chief executive Goh Choon Phong said in a statement: “On behalf of Singapore Airlines, I would like to express my deepest condolences to the family and loved ones of the deceased passenger.

“We also deeply apologise for the trauma experienced by all passengers and crew members on this flight.

“We are providing all possible assistance and support to them, along with their families and loved ones, during this difficult time. The well-being of our passengers and staff is our utmost priority.”

Flightradar24 said its tracking data showed the plane encountering turbulence at approximately 8.49am BST while flying over Myanmar.

The flight tracking service said data sent from the aircraft showed a “rapid change in vertical rate, consistent with a sudden turbulence event”, adding that there were “some severe” thunderstorms in the area at the time.

Aviation consultant John Strickland told the PA news agency that “turbulence happens” but even with millions of flights each year, incidents are “limited” and “fatalities are rare”.

He said: “Exposure is greater in different parts of the world.

“The South Atlantic, Africa and the Bay of Bengal are all places that spring to mind where there’s a greater incidence.

“There are discussions about whether climate change is influencing an increase in occurrences.”

Mr Strickland said airlines use a variety of methods to minimise the chances of a flight being affected by turbulence, such as weather forecasts, radar and reports from aircraft ahead.

A spokesperson for the UK Civil Aviation Authority said: “Our deepest condolences go out to all those who have been affected.

“Accidents of this nature are extremely rare and aviation remains one of the safest forms of travel.”

Tributes paid to British man, 73, who died after turbulence on Heathrow flight (2024)


How does turbulence cause death? ›

In cases of light and moderate turbulence, passengers might feel a strain against their seatbelt, and unsecure items in the cabin may move around. However, in more serious cases, turbulence can result in passengers being thrown around the cabin, leading to severe injuries, or death.

What causes turbulence on a Singapore flight? ›

Near the ground, strong winds around the airport can cause turbulence as planes take off or land. At higher altitudes, up- and downwards flows of air in storm clouds can cause mild to severe turbulence as planes fly through or near them.

What causes clear-air turbulence? ›

Warmer air caused by carbon dioxide emissions is leading to stronger wind shear at higher elevations, which can result in clear-air turbulence. A 2023 study found that clear air turbulence has increased by 41% over the past 40 years.

Has turbulence ever brought down a plane? ›

Two hours into the flight, at an altitude of 31,000 feet (9,400 m), the plane received reports of severe clear-air turbulence in the area and the seat belt sign was turned on. Moments later, the aircraft suddenly dropped around 100 feet (30 m), seriously injuring 15 passengers and 3 crew members.

How much does a plane move during turbulence? ›


Thunderstorm vertical currents may be strong enough to displace an aircraft up or down vertically as much as 2000 to 6000 feet. The greatest turbulence occurs in the vicinity of adjacent rising and descending drafts.

What's the worst that can happen in turbulence? ›

“Turbulence can give an airplane a sudden jolt that can injure passengers and flight crewmembers who aren't buckled in.” Between 2009 and 2022, 163 people on U.S. air carriers suffered serious injuries due to turbulence, the FAA says.

What happens when plane hits air pocket? ›

The disruption in the air current which helps a plane to fly results in shakes and it is referred to as turbulence. Also known as air pockets, turbulence can cause a sudden loss of altitude temporarily.

What to do if you are scared of turbulence? ›

Recognize and Understand Your Fear
  1. Turbulence Facts. First, know this: turbulence is a common and natural part of flying. ...
  2. Aircraft Design. ...
  3. Pilot Training. ...
  4. Flight Crew Experience. ...
  5. Choose Your Seat Wisely.
  6. Trust the Flight Crew. ...
  7. Stay Informed. ...
  8. Practice Relaxation Techniques.
Apr 27, 2024

Why do planes turn off lights during turbulence? ›

Another important reason for turning off lights is passenger safety. During takeoff and landing, the risk of turbulence and other disturbances is higher than during flight at cruising altitude. If the aircraft experiences a sudden jolt, loose objects can move through the aircraft and cause injury.

Can turbulence break a plane? ›

It's almost unheard of for turbulence to cause a crash, but it can lead to costly repairs for carriers. Usually, the damage is to cabin components like seats and overhead bins when luggage falls out or people hit them. Turbulence-related damage, delays and injuries cost airlines up to $500 million per year.

Do pilots notice turbulence? ›

Pilots use the weather radar to identify and navigate around areas of turbulence. The real-time data allows them to make timely decisions to enhance passenger comfort and safety.

Why does plane shake in clouds? ›

Why go through this random explanation? Simply put, the density of clouds is different than the surrounding air. That's one reason why you could experience turbulence when you fly through a cloud.

Where do you feel the most turbulence on a plane? ›

“You need to select a seat over the wing towards back as statistically this area has a survival rate in the unlikely event of a plane crash and it's where you feel turbulence less as the wings keep the plane balanced compared with the back and front where turbulence is felt a lot more,” Aran says in the video of a KLM ...

What causes a plane to drop in turbulence? ›

Most turbulence occurs in cloud where there are up- and downdrafts of wind, according to BBC Weather's Simon King, a former RAF officer. Much of that will be fairly mild, but in bigger clouds - such as the cumulonimbus thunderstorm cloud - the chaotic movements of air can cause moderate or even severe turbulence.

Is it safe to fly in severe turbulence? ›

Intense turbulence can force pilots to change altitude, cause flights to divert for emergency landings and send passengers to the hospital. In the most recent incident, during a flight from London to Singapore, one man died and dozens were taken to the hospital.

Why you shouldn't be afraid of turbulence? ›

The most important thing to know is that turbulence isn't dangerous. It might be a bit uncomfortable, but your plane is built to handle the worst. Even in the most severe turbulence, your plane isn't moving nearly as much as you think! Much of how we experience turbulence is subjective.

Can turbulence make you sick? ›

Motion sickness can be triggered by turbulence and although research into specific airsickness is limited, other modes that induce motion sickness suggest that women are more susceptible than men, particularly in the early stages of the menstrual cycle.

How often does severe turbulence occur? ›

"Exceedingly rare," Steve Cornell, a pilot and safety and technical director at the Australian and International Pilots Association, explained. "In 15,000 hours of flying experience, I've encountered severe air turbulence just once, so it's a rare occurrence."

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