Charles Brown: Independent Erie hip-hop artist Aaron Rennel in tune with vision (2024)

Rennel is an Erie-born entrepreneur, rap force and label owner who has opened up for major acts such as Montana of 300, Lil Cray, CHXPOand more

Charles Brown| Special to the Erie Times-News

Entrepreneur and label owner Aaron Rennel has used his talents for rhyming to open up doors for not only himself, but for people who are also like-minded with a desire to be creative from music to business. Born in Erie but raised between the 814 and North Carolina, Rennel has grown to become a force, proving so byopening up for major acts such as Montana of 300, Lil Cray, CHXPOand more. Now an owner and executive of the independent label Major Coin, this rap visionary plans to manifest success and legacy.

1. While writing at such a young age, what was the vision that you had for yourself as an artist, or were you writing music for the fun of it?

When I first started writing, it was purely out of enjoyment. Rap was the first thing I ever wanted to do in life and I had already cultivated a love for music at that age, so it seemed to be a natural progression. I recorded a demo tape on an old karaoke machine with my siblings and sent it to Master P in hopes of being the next big thing in hip-hop. We were definitely ambitious.

2. At shows, you're able to command attention as if it's your last appearance. With opening up for huge acts such as Montana of 300, do you still approach the stage as if it's your own show?

Thanks, I appreciate the compliment. My stage presence is something I’ve intentionally honed, knowing that it’s an integral part of being a professional musician. I’ve had a variety of on-stage experiences from highs to lows, but they all compound into something special at this point in time. When I opened up for Montana of 300, I wasn’t as skilled of a performer as I am today. But what I lacked in experience, I made up for in energy and tenacity.

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3. Your label, Major Coin, has been buzzing for some time. What was the purpose behind creating the company?

Honestly, Major Coin came about at a time where we, Kenny Ba$e and I, were yearning for independence and space to grow, which were both key things that led to our departure from our previous situation. Ultimately, Major Coin is a representation of human potential. We believe you can lead a life you love and be prosperous as well. We believe in the value that individuality brings to society at large and we also believe in paying it forward, being a blessing to others.

4. What are some of the sacrifices you had to make in order to build and expand your brand?

When you’re walking your path, you’re going to experience a whole onslaught of things sent to keep you from achieving your true purpose, and amidst that trudge through the unknown, you’re going to have to sacrifice some things to come out on the other end victorious. I’ve lost countless money in pursuit of my vision because there will always be those who prey on the ignorant or inexperienced. I’ve lost time I’ll never get back, spending it in the wrong places with the wrong people, those who didn’t value me or necessarily have my best interest at heart. I’ve had to let go of a lot of personal relationships and paradigms in general in order to experience the growth I’ve been working toward.

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5. What is the most valuable lesson that you have learned so far from your journey?

There are so many life lessons and insights that I’ve had the blessing to be able to uncover throughout this journey, but one that I’m particularly fond of is the fact that we as human beings simultaneously create and experience our reality. This means that the nature of our experience is ever-changing from two vantage points; that of the creator and that of the creation. This means that we have immense power within seemingly powerless circ*mstances. I know everyone has different belief systems, but in mine, I am a co-creator in my experience with God, and understanding that on a deep level enables one to weave their way through life artfully with a high level of awareness. That high-level sense of awareness can be used to help create opportunities for one to bring forward their desired experience.

Aaron Rennel's music can be found on Spotify, Apple Music, YouTubeand other streaming platforms.

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Charles Brown: Independent Erie hip-hop artist Aaron Rennel in tune with vision (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.